Antibiotic resistance – The NEXT pandemic? | Dr Pal

Antibiotic resistance – The NEXT pandemic ?

Antibiotics kill bacteria but bacteria are getting smarter and tries to escape from Antibiotics by changing its structure frequently.

When we keep using it more frequently. Bacteria will figure out our strategy and changes its structure completely thst antibiotic will STOP working –

We call this as antibiotic resistance is the next pandemic bigger than COVID.

This problem is huge in India – as anyone can get any antibiotic at any dosage any duration.
If this continues, 10 years from now – there will be superbug bacteria everywhere and we cannot kill them with antibiotics but they might kill us.

Use antibiotics only when prescribed by a doctor and only if absolutely needed.

Dr. Palaniappan Manickam MD, MPH
Internal Medicine | Gastroenterology | Epidemiologist

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