Category Archives: Featured

Daily Lіfе іn Italy Durіng the Pеrіоd of Cоrоnа Vіruѕ, CоVіD-19

For more thаn a month, Itаlіаnѕ hаd heard оf thе ‘Cоrоnа Vіruѕ’ in China, hаvіng seen the ѕtоrіеѕ оn thе news аbоut hоw the Chіnеѕе Government wаѕ hаndlіng thе epidemic. Thіѕ nеwѕ seemed lіkе ѕоmеthіng thаt was frоm a far оff lаnd thаt соuld nеvеr hit thе Itаlіаn peninsula because іt was thе kind оf…

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Herbal Remedies for Some Common Everyday Ailments

Some of us suffer from common, everyday ailments that can be treated effectively by herbal remedies rather than an expensive trip to the doctor and resulting prescriptions. Specific herbs can be made into healing salves, tonics and teas not only to relieve irritating symptoms that accompany these ailments, but also to cure them. Herbal remedies…

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Natural Ways to Get Rid of Headache Pain

            Headache pain can be a precursor to something more serious happening in your body – but most headaches are not life-threatening and are caused by temporary maladies such as allergies, stress, tension or diet. Migraine headaches are in a different classification, but some natural remedies can be helpful in alleviating the intense pain.            …

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Foods That Are Good for Your Mind

            There are “feel good” foods that are exceptionally good for your mind and your body.Whether you’re a college student facing finals week or a senior citizen concerned about memory loss and lack of concentration, you’ll benefit from knowing which foods to eat that will give you a memory boost.…

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How Acupuncture Has Been Used for Pain Management

People who suffer from chronic pain can sometimes benefit from the ancient practice of acupuncture. The Chinese have used this form of treatment for centuries, but western medicine is just getting around to recognizing it as a viable tool to treat pain. Rather than treating pain with mind-altering drugs, results have shown that the techniques…

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