Episode 8 – Essiac is Reported to Cure Cancer, Purify the Blood, Elevate Enzyme System Dr. Marianne
#Essiac #Dr. Gary Glulm #Secrets of Eden
This is a reading from the Essiac Report. An interviewer with Dr. Gary Glum.
Great information is shared here, especially why the powers that be are hiding the facts that Essiac can sure cancer, thyroid conditions, diabetes, aides, ulcers, and more. What you don’t know can hurt you. Listen in and make your own decisions. The Essiac Report can be purchased at secrets of Eden and the Essiac tincture as well. See the video of Renee Cassie under the product listing when you go to the site.
A Reading from the Essiac Report. This is my gift of life to you or a friend, an attempt to share what I learned so that you may be educated about the harm of radiation and chemotherapy. We need our immune system to fight for us! Chemo kills the immune system.
In these YouTubes and podcasts I will read the various letters from the Essiac Report. This program is sponsored by you so if you’d like me to keep this information going, please like, share, and subscribe. You can donate to our nonprofit affiliate Step By Step Dyslexia Solutions here: dyslexia-solutions/com/donate
About Dr. Marianne
Dr. Marianne Cintron is a cancer survivor and has the BRAC1 mutant cancer gene. Her grandmother, mother, sister, and cousin all died from ovarian cancer and she did genetic counseling advising her to do annual checkups.
During a routine visit, she had an ultrasound where two tumors were discovered on her ovaries. They were the size of a golf ball and a small orange. She was actively working out, speaking, and feeling healthy so this discovery took her by surprise.
She was urged to have surgery, resulting in a complete hysterectomy learning later it was Stage 3B, spreading into her Omentum. All the cancer was removed, finding none in her lymph nodes. Marianne required four weeks of home health care for wound care and rested from speaking engagements, tutoring, and network groups.
Her surgeon urged her to begin chemotherapy to kill any microscopic cancer cells which may be remaining. She felt God healed her through this successful surgery. She was reluctant to start a chemotherapy treatment at first but with prayer, had the peace to go ahead. “Maybe one round will do it,” was what several people told her. One chemo round wiped her out for two weeks, and Marianne prayed and believed she heard the Lord in a dream direct her to stop chemotherapy. Not only has she drastically changed how she eats, but she also wants to share the homeopathic treatments she uses to keep cancer away!
In viewing the Truth About Cancer videos from Ty Bollinger, she learned of many people who did not go through chemotherapy to kill cancer or keep it from returning. Chemotherapy kills our immune system, which is what we need to heal.
Dr. Cintron believes when people receive genetic counseling for the BRAC1 gene, they should also investigate the homeopathic treatments available to kill and keep cancer. The Ty Bollinger videos where the best eye-opener she had and they are sadly difficult to locate. She read a lot about Mark Wark and his methods for cancer free living, and many others. She also advocates for Secrets of Eden, where she purchases the amazing healing Essiac tincture and many other healing treatments.
In February 2022 she attended her first Cancer Survivor group and learned of the many women who survived mastectomies and are still taking chemo. Some of the ladies are anticipating surgeries, and some are in the middle of their treatments.
Dr. Marianne has been an educator for twenty-three years. Her Doctorate is in Education Leadership and Administration. She is the Vice President of Christian Business Partners in Upland, a member of the Global Society of Female Entrepreneurs, and in her second term as board member for the International Dyslexia Association. In 2021, Dr. Marianne earned several awards: Social Impact Award Finalist – Lady in Blue, Lifetime Legacy Award Nominee – National Women of Influence, 100 Women Global Award – CD Wilson Events, and Certificates of Recognition from the California State Assembly, the California State Senate, and the County of Riverside.
Speaking Topics
Chemotherapy Alternatives where she presents:
• About Homeopathic Treatments including Essiac, proven to be a Cure for Cancer
• Positive Outcomes from Essiac in the letter written by Dr. Charles Brusch
• More Positive results in an interview with Dr. Gary Glum
• Hear excerpts from the Essiac Report, The Unknown Cancer Remedy
Connect with Dr. Cintron
626-629-3024 or mcintron@stepbystepdyslexiasolutions.com
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