High Creatinine Levels – Symptoms & Homeopathic Remedies #kidney -Dr.Sanjay Panicker|Doctors’ Circle

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Dr. Sanjay Panicker | Phone 📞 080 4121 6688 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Homeopath | Amrita Homeopathy, Koramangala 4th Block, Bangalore, India
The creatinine level usually goes high in patients whenever kidney is undergoing a damage. So these are the indications when the kidney is failing or not functioning properly. So whenever there is a kidney infection or whether there is a condition where the kidneys are failing, creatinine can go high. When creatinine goes high, there are some indications. One is the urinary frequency goes down. There is swelling which can come up in the feet. The patient may feel very dizzy and very weak and fatigued. These indications when it is there, the creatinine levels are going high. It means the kidney is in danger. Useful homeopathic remedies are lycopodium, serum anguillae and we also have remedies like urtica urens, phosphorus, carbo veg and sulfur. So these are some of the remedies which we use in this particular condition and it gives extremely good results in patients with elevated levels of creatinine. But when you use remedies like phosphorus and sulfur do not prescribe it by yourself. These remedies are very very dangerous if not dealt with a homeopathic doctor. This is a condition which can turn fatal in a patient. So whenever you find creatinine is high, don’t interfere in that condition by yourself. Please contact a homeopathic doctor and take his opinion. Because otherwise the kidney can go into failure and the patient can collapse. So that’s very important.

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