Tag Archives: News

Coronavirus Explained: What is the impact? – BBC News

Coronavirus Explained: What is the impact? – BBC News

Governments around the world take increasingly drastic measures to manage the coronavirus pandemic. More countries have announced that schools will be closed temporarily and Australia will ban mass gatherings from next week. With no end in sight to the crisis, what is the impact of all this? #CoronavirusExplained #BBCCoronavirusExplained Please subscribe HERE

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Covid19 News Update : India में Corona Virus के मामले 16 लाख के पार पहुंचे. (BBC Hindi)

Covid19 News Update : India में Corona Virus के मामले 16 लाख के पार पहुंचे. (BBC Hindi)

भारत में कोरोना वायरस के मामलों में एक बार फिर रिकॉर्ड बढ़त देखने को मिली है. पिछले 24 घंटों में भारत में 55 हज़ार से अधिक नए मामले सामने आए हैं. स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय की तरफ से जारी आंकड़ों में बताया गया है कि बीते 24 घंटों में 55078 नए मामले दर्ज हुए हैं. यह एक…

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Tsunami Covid-19 di India: “Situasinya benar-benar di luar nalar” – BBC News Indonesia

Tsunami Covid-19 di India: “Situasinya benar-benar di luar nalar” – BBC News Indonesia

India kini menjadi negara kedua paling terdampak virus corona, mengambil alih posisi Brasil, dan sedang menghadapi gelombang kedua kasus Covid-19 yang mematikan. “Tsunami Covid” menerjang negara itu, mengakibatkan rumah sakit kewalahan dengan hampir 1.000 kematian terkait Covid tercatat setiap harinya. Sejak awal April, gelombang kedua Covid-19 melanda India. Lebih dari 200.000 kasus harian dilaporkan sejak…

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BTS’ Jungkook Tests Positive For COVID-19 | Billboard News

BTS’ Jungkook Tests Positive For COVID-19 | Billboard News

BTS‘ Jungkook is the latest member of the K-pop supergroup to test positive for COVID-19. The group’s management company announced the news on Tuesday (March 29), informing ARMY in a statement that the positive reading came after the group arrived in Las Vegas for their upcoming shows. To learn more about this story: ►► Subscribe…

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COVID-19 News: India में सीवर के पानी में मिले Corona Virus के अंश, कितने ख़तरनाक? (BBC Hindi)

COVID-19 News: India में सीवर के पानी में मिले Corona Virus के अंश, कितने ख़तरनाक? (BBC Hindi)

तेलंगाना की राजधानी हैदराबाद के सीवर के पानी में कोरोना वायरस के अंश मिले हैं. यह दावा हैदराबाद में मौजूद सेंटर फ़ॉर मॉलिक्यूलर बायोलॉजी (सीसीएमबी) की हालिया रिपोर्ट में किया गया है. हालांकि सीसीएमबी का ये भी कहना है कि वायरस के जो अंश पाए गए हैं वो संक्रामक नहीं हैं. भारत के अग्रणी बायोलॉजी…

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Covid-19: why your life will never be the same again

Covid-19: why your life will never be the same again

Across much of the world, covid-19 restrictions are starting to ease. The Economist has crunched the data to calculate how close countries are to pre-pandemic levels of normality—but will life ever be the same again? Read more here: Search the interactive normality tracker: How life is halfway back to pre-covid norms?: Read all of coronavirus…

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Putin Claims Russia Has A Coronavirus Vaccine | TODAY

Putin Claims Russia Has A Coronavirus Vaccine | TODAY

Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, says Russia has registered a possible COVID-19 vaccine with state regulators, and that one of his daughters has been injected with it. No data has been published by the researchers, and the vaccine’s long-term effects and safety remain unclear. NBC senior foreign correspondent Richard Engel reports for TODAY. » Subscribe to…

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CORONA-VIRUS: Die gefährliche Lungenkrankheit aus China wird jetzt schneller erkannt

CORONA-VIRUS: Die gefährliche Lungenkrankheit aus China wird jetzt schneller erkannt

Nach der Erkrankung von vier Mitarbeitern lässt der Autozulieferer Webasto rund 80 Kollegen auf das Coronavirus testen. Etwa 40 Kontaktpersonen des ersten Erkrankten seien am Mittwoch am Standort in Gauting Stockdorf untersucht worden, etwa ebensoviele Kontaktpersonen der anderen Erkrankten sollten am Donnerstag den Virentest absolvieren, sagte Vorstandschef Holger Engelmann am Mittwoch. Die gute Nachricht sei:…

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Concern grows as corona virus traps Ugandans

Concern grows as corona virus traps Ugandans

Scores of Ugandans are part of the people stuck in Wuhan city in China, which is on lock-down, following an outbreak corona virus disease. Many of these are university students who now want the Uganda government to come to their rescue. Business people who get commodities from China have been warned against going there before…

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At least 9 deaths, 71 products recalled in listeria outbreak

At least 9 deaths, 71 products recalled in listeria outbreak

A nationwide listeria outbreak is not over and may result in more deaths than the nine that have already been linked to it. Food safety attorney Bill Marler says it’s been a long time since he’s seen inspection reports as “dire” as those for the Boar’s Head facility at the center of the outbreak. More:…

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