This PANDEMIC is Dangerous than COVID.
In a world where doctors are considered Gods.
Something unseen is consuming them.
What is it?? It’s one of thr dangerously neglected pandemic,
it’s time to raise awareness about this critical issue.
The pandemic of ‘Physician burnout’ which is recognized by WHO as public health crisis in 2019 included it as a syndrome resulting from chronic work place stress in ICD-11.
Yet the healthcare system never havent addressed this leading to detoriating physician’s health & wellbeing directly impacting the patient care.
This short video delves into the harsh realities faced by doctors today, highlighting the alarming rates of mental & physical health issues and the urgent need for balance.
Discover how our revolutionary wellness campaign – MISSION HAPPY DOCTOR is transforming the lives of doctors through unique WELLNESS Boot Camps, workshops and personalized coaching, empowering them with real time practical tools, techniques and skillsets to become burnout proof & build a holistically successful life without compromising personal wellbeing.
Its’ prioritize your health as a doctor before you attend to your patients.
If you or someone you know is in the medical field, share this vital message and help us spread the word. Your act can save a life somewhere directly or indirectly.
Stay healthy & Stay happy.
If you wish to rewrite your journey & transform your life as a doctor reach out to us for personalized coaching/mentoring
Book your 1:1 discovery call with me today @
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#PhysicianWellness #BurnoutAwareness #MissionHappyDoctor #SelfCareForDoctors #stressmanagementtechniques #physicianburnout #doctors #doctorofselfworth #doctorsmotivation #doctorslife #doctor #doctorwellness #happydoctor #indiandoctors #doctorburnout #medicalburnout #drmh #beyondlovedrugs&scalpelthebook #surgeons #indianmedicalassociation #medicalprofessionals