What Are Fibroids?
welcome back lovely ladies today we are going to figure out fibroids. figure out fibroids figure out fibroids It’s like a tongue twister! say that three times fast… anyway, fibroids are something that you may never have to face because it generally tends to affect women age 30 or more however it is interesting to note that 25 percent women will probably suffer from fibroids at one point in their life but I’ll never have symptoms and they’ll never need treatment so what the heck are fibroids? Fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the muscle walls in your uterus.
Studies show that that being overweight or having high blood pressure are major risk factors. Fibroids tend to shrink when your body goes through menopause. So, what causes fibroids? unknown. I know, sorry to disappoint you.
the thing is is that the growth depends on the estrogen levels in the body and as the woman continues to menstruate and the sizes can vary they can be so small that you need a microscope to look at them or they can be really big; as big as the uterus.
now if you do have symptoms, some of them may include pelvic cramping when you’re not on your period, lower abdomen pain, lower back pain, painful sex, and increased urine frequency. the doctor will do an ultrasound to check for all of this.
Now some treatment options generally include getting on birth control pills or an IUD (Intrauterine Device) to help regulate the estrogen, and if it really really really comes down to it surgery is also an option.
Again, all this varies on your diagnosis and the severity of your problems. Always remember to go to a doctor to get checked out So that’s all I have for you today, you know the drill so shoot me an email, send me an SMS, and subscribe to our channel.
I’ll see you guys later. [Music] welcome back lovely ladies today we are going to figure out fibroids figure out fibroids figure out fibroids oh it’s like a tongue twister say that three times fast anyway fibroids are something that you may never have to face because it generally tends to affect women age 30 or more however it is interesting to note that 25 percent of women will probably suffer from fibroids at one point in their life though they’ll never have symptoms and they’ll never need treatment so what the heck are fibroids fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the muscle walls of your uterus studies show that being overweight or having high blood pressure are major risk factors fibroids tend to shrink when your body goes through menopause so what causes fibroids unknown I know sorry to disappoint you the thing is is that the growth depends on the estrogen levels in the body and as the woman continues to menstruate and the sizes can vary they can be so small that you need a microscope to look at them or they can be really big as big as the uterus now if you do have symptoms some of them may include pelvic cramping when you’re not on your periods lower abdomen pain lower back pain painful sex and increased urine frequency the doctor will do an ultrasound to check for all of this now some treatment options generally include getting on birth control pills or an IUD to help regulate the estrogen and if it really really really comes down to it surgery is also an option again all of this varies on your diagnosis and the severity of your problem so always remember to go to a doctor to get it checked out so that’s all I have for you today you know the drill so shoot me an email send me an SMS and subscribe to our Channel I’ll see you guys later